Monthly Archives: April 2014
Derby 50 mile 2014
April 8, 2014 | Posted by Melinda under Event Report |
Getting there was interesting. I live in Central CA. I do not own chains for my truck and trailer because if it’s snowing over the pass (from CA to NV) I will stay home. I do own chains for my car because last year my mother found a set of Les Schwab chains in the […] more
Groin Muscle Injuries – Anatomy
April 3, 2014 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
There are 4 muscles that Dr. Marcella cited as part of the “groin”. The semimembranosus m. gracilis m., semitendinosus m. and sartorius m. There are other muscles in that area beyond these 4 – as you will see it is VERY complicated. I’m not particularly enthusiastic about anatomy, however I do think there’s some value […] more
Groin injuries – introduction
April 2, 2014 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
Yesterday during my run I got a very real life lesson on technical trail and groin muscle demands. I hit the trails with Tess between downpours, anticipating a rather slow and mincing run over some rather sloppy footing. The single track looked solid, but it was hard packed clay, and it was uneven. It was […] more