Link Luv Oct ’16
October 6, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
When I was a itty bitty first-starting-out marathoner Meb was on top. Now more than a decade later, 2 degrees later, a kid, a marriage, diving into the ultra world, getting my first horse (and another, and another..) starting endurance, riding 100 miles, finishing Tevis, discovering ride and tie…..Meb is STILL RUNNING at the top levels. Love getting some insight to his “secrets”.
Fig is still too young for this fortunately? At least at next month’s 100….
The lives of working animals are really interesting to me. Everyone should have a job. Here’s some insight to bringing up a new livestock guardian.
Major’s blog has some GREAT aluminum trailer tack room organizational tips. Next on my list once I get the pesky clearance lights working.
Life changes. I used to ride almost every day. Now it’s a lot less than that – once a week is a good week. Doesn’t make me any less of a horse person. On The Bit writes a really good blog post on this.
YES – Patience and deliberate steps back in training. It isn’t always forward motion (with unexpected hills and valleys), sometimes it’s actually going BACKWARDS that gets you where you wanted to go.
Cyd writes her side of the Pioneer Spirit 50 mile run.
Aarene does a spin-off of my post – 10 more tips for endurance riders.
It is my fondest hope that Fig wants to fly, or run, or do anything except horses. Talk about my horse life getting complicated…
NER but a good article anyways. I try really hard not to get sucked into this.
LMAO. Half chewed plastic dog toys come really close.
The olympics is over (it’s what I get for skipping my last Link Luv post) but these questions are still really funny – sample questions for reporters to ask olympians.
I’m constantly reading articles like this one to pick up little tips to make running over trails more efficient.
I agree with most of what Dr. Ramey has to say here about keeping performance horses sound. #anotherreasonI’llneverbearichvet.
LOVE this article about specific training for runners depending on terrain/elevation profile. Would love to see elevation maps available for endurance rides prior to the event so I could prep my horses similarly. Word of mouth about how a ride is isn’t the same.
FREE USGS quad maps. Bookmark this link for sure.
Some interesting concepts in here about tapering. I generally do a 14 day taper for my horses, with a longer taper for a longer ride. At least in running the recommendation here is a shorter taper for a longer run. Based on personal experience I would agree when it comes to my running. One of the best quotes in the article: “Good training is sustainable training,” he says. “Never dig a hole that you are trying to climb out of in the weeks preceding a race.”
When to give up on a horse is something I’ve written about here, and this is an EXCELLENT article that addresses a lot of things I hear from people when being told they should move on.
Yes! – Hobbies and the meaning of life
Pretty sure we have these stages in endurance riding too.
With the update to the ARC drug rules, it’s worth having this discussion again (good article that discusses the same issues in human sports). Why don’t we allow drugs? Even when they are not being prescribed for performance-enhancing abilities? In the human world, people with asthma can with the help of albuterol go on to have high performances. Banning albuterol would discriminate against people with asthma. Can we allow “minor fixes” so that some can rise to the level of their fullest “natural” potential? If something is fixable and manageable should we allow it? It’s a grey area and a slippery slope. Do we allow gastro/ulcergard so that ulcer prone horses can compete? Do we allow Adequan or Pentosan for joint “maintenance”? Where do we draw the line? What does “competing on our own (or the horse’s) merits” really mean?
BTW in the case of biophos drugs (one of the drugs addressed in the recent AERC drug update) I was really shocked to hear people coming forward dismayed that it was being banned, because they used it for “maintenance” on their horses to prevent future issues with bone density being cited as one reason. WTF. Those drugs are NOT benign and we do not know the long-term effects (and in humans similar drugs have definitely proven to be a mixed bag). Just because a new drug sounds promising and has TREATMENT applications in the presence of DISEASE with short-term benefits doesn’t mean we are doing our horses any favors by jumping on the bandwagon.
More NER but I think it applies to lots of people within endurance type sports. (That’s me BTW)
Oh yeah yeah! Free stuff!! Except….that’s right, road marathons are EXPENSIVE. As expensive as a pair of shoes. Maybe I’ll just skip that and do some trails instead.
My advice? Splurge if you have too, buy used when you can, and don’t be too quick try something just because everyone else is. Wait a little bit and see what the fall out is (or the used gear deals from the early adopters!)
I too have had fun “fixing memes“.
Pics from the month that deserve to be seen.

Cowboy shooting ambush – only pic I’ve seen so far. Hopefully I’ll have more to share next month. Wore one of my civil war dresses with a hoop skirt. By my next one I hope to have my can-can outfit done and my sporting dress!!!!!!
Thank you for the shout out…and holy crap you have a kid!!! I have been away from blogging for far too long! I look forward to catching up and reading all the good things going on 😉
Hahahaha yes! I have a kid. It’s kinda cool when you can kinda binge read a blog you’ve been away from and stuff has happened. I’ve done that a few times 🙂
Gah, I LOVE these posts. They give me so much fun reading. Never stop.
Favorites this time: Dr. Ramey’s (because I just nodded along forever); Runner stages (because they’re so true for all sports); The hobby one was great, too, and when I finished scrolling it I was led into this article which I think you’ll be able to relate to in some ways! ; and finally the Quitting to Win bit (because I’ve nearly been in that hole a few times!)
I’m impressed you got Fig to sit on that pumpkin!!
Aren’t these posts THE BEST? There’s a runner blog that I follow that literally publishes a mini version of this with a little less commentary EVERY SINGLE WEEK DAY. It’s freaking awesome.
I too am impressed with the pumpkin pic. She had a MELT DOWN that morning and was NOT in a good mood. But somehow she not only did not fall off the pumpkin, she didn’t cry either. WIN.