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What I learned this week

- You do not, absolutely do NOT, blow your nose off the side of the treadmill in trail runner fashion. I consider this the number one disadvantage of the dreadmill. Because really? I’m going to do what, grab a tissue when I’m banging out (edited pace out due to embarrassing slowness) miles on a 5 to 10 incline? Ummm…..no….
- There’s no exaggeration on the incline detail. When you live in the flat valley with nary a high-rise in sight, the treadmill can be my friend. I need to just repeat this many many times.
- Too bad the treadmill only does uphills…..except there was this hack on a podcast that I just listened to that suggested cinderblocks under the back for downhill training and think this is AWESOME except for the fact that if I break this treadmill Matt will never ever ever let me have another one, but on the other hand……DOWNHILLS!!!!!!!! And I’m pretty sure the excitement of that is pushing silly things like consequences right out of my brain.
- Speaking of genius hacks….when listening to one of my podcasts I was reminded that sometimes you don’t need to learn something new, sometimes you just need to be reminded of what you already (theoretically) knew. It’s easy to share the “aha!” moments with you (CINDERBLOCKS!!!!!!), less interesting to share how valuable I found the “I knew that already” reminders that were in the exact same podcast – like how bad sitting is if you are trying to then ride or run endurance distances.
- Why is it that sitting creeps in to our lives so insidiously? Except for feeding that child I have an ideal lifestyle to stay standing ALL DAY LONG. But yet….If I am not absolutely diligent about it I find myself engaged in that famous 50mi-to-couch program.
- I got an exercise rider for Farley for the next 4 weeks. No training, strictly riding 30 min a couple of times a week. WHY??????? Ummm……I’m not exactly sure. Except when I look at my responsibilities and things that NEED DOING, I can have someone else ride my horses but I can’t have someone else run for me.
- The real reason is probably because I’m a lazy ass.
- Probably not.
- It turns out that I’ve decided $25 is a cheap price for the guilt I feel when I put “Ride Farley” on my calendar and it never freaking happens. (even though I try to keep stuff written on my calendar sacred and DO IT yada yada yada). I’m tired of feeling like I’m starting over all the time and when I get a chance to ride a couple of hours I want to without counting the weeks and months its been since I last saddled up.
- Of course, this means that I’m officially middle age. When did I become the person who PAYS others to ride the horse instead of the one getting PAID to ride?
- Just give up now Mel. Rename your blog tag line “predictably middle-aged”. I mean, how suburbia can you get with a marriage, kid, and someone else riding your horses?
- At least I still mow my own lawn.
- I think I live in a neighborhood where everyone has lawn service because the UPS guy mistook me as hired help when he delivered a package yesterday. This was slightly more amusing than the contractor who asked me “where my father was”, i.e. “the homeowner”.
- On the other hand, maybe I’m recognizing the truth in this statement: “You have two commodities in this life: time and money. One of them you can make more of once it’s gone. Fiercely cherish the other.“
- In which case perhaps I should pay someone to do my lawn work and I should ride my own damn horse. ;).
- Good point Mel! Except lawn work is easier with Fig right now than dinky 30 min rides during the week on Farley. I don’t have a lot of guilt associated with letting the lawn go, I do feel guilty when the ponies don’t get out.
- Guilt is the killer of motivation. I bet I end up riding more now that I’ve removed the guilt factor when I don’t ride!
- 🙂

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1. Also applicable running on a paved ‘trail’ populated with casually strolling tourists enjoying their morning coffee.
14. Yes!!!