New Beginnings
May 30, 2015 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
Since starting this blog 6 1/2 years ago life has managed to neatly categorize itself into self-named chapters. “The first 1000 miles” resolved about the time “The vet school years” got underway. With the vet school years *behind me, I’ve been waiting anxiously for this new chapter to name itself. As best as I can figure out, the new working title for the next chapter is “Let’s take it from the beginning (again)”. For the first time in a long time I’m not only optimistic about the future, I’m excited too.
*I had two weeks of make up clinics after graduation, which will conclude at the end of next week. But that’s a technicality and I’ve decided that the matter of a bit of paperwork such as not actually receiving my diploma until June 5th is entirely inconsequential.
There’s a new horse

Merrylegs: Whaaaaaa…..that’s an old picture. Mel: I know. It will be OK. ML: But I’m even more awesome now. Mel: I know. ML: Can you take me on the fifty in 3 weeks instead of Farley. Mel: I wish!
With any luck Merrylegs will be doing her first ride in another 2 years. Seriously. I know. I can barely believe it too. And if starting ML in endurance is like any other horse I’ve started endurance on, it’s going to be an interesting 2 years for the blog.
A new career
Up until about 2 weeks ago I didn’t have a clue what I was doing after graduation, so it wasn’t like it was a huge secret…..everything really started to come to together just recently at the beginning of May.
A local veterinary clinic wants me to work for them so the plan is as fast as I can wrangle my license out of the state of CA (I’m told 1-2 weeks after I get my diploma) I’ll be working part time in a mixed (food/equine/small) animal practice here in town. It will be a great transition job as I try to get hired on with the state of CA.
There’s a position opening up at one of the hatcheries that is a vet position, although technically it’s classified as a “fish pathologist” that sounds ideal for me. I’m looking forward to doing some clinical practice stuff over the the summer, because getting hired with the state can be a lengthy process, and it opens the door to continue to do clinical practice on emergency or part time basis in the future if I want.
And of course I sincerely hope someone wants to hire me to vet endurance rides this summer now that my name is officially on the list of AERC control vets published on the website! I had a great time at Cache Creek doing some practice control vet judging and got great feedback from both the vets, ride management, and the riders.
I sincerely hope that the first couple years as a vet isn’t nearly as bumpy as the first couple of years in vet school. It took me way to long to figure out how to have balance. Surely I have learned something the first time around?
And lastly, a new baby.
I’m told it’s human but I’m holding out for puppy or dragon. Either way it will be here in October and is suppose to be of the female gender.
I am about 5 months along. My husband and I waited until post-graduation before letting everyone know, so it can be considered “common knowledge” now.
I don’t particularly enjoy being pregnant, but it’s been a remarkably easy pregnancy. This still isn’t a blog about “Mel’s journal of life”, however I would be more then happy to share my thoughts as an aficionado of endurance, boots shoes, and saddles if anyone has any questions or is curious about any aspect of pregnancy+my activities here on the blog. With all the disclaimers of YMMV, yada yada yada yada of course.

Just ran another 1/2 marathon today and lest you mistake that rosy glow with some sort of preggers magic..let me assure you that is what happens when you become best friends with Technu Extreme post run.
Ironically, the first event on the agenda in the chapter of “new beginnings” is an endurance ride I’ve ridden more times than any other ride (Wild West) on a horse that has graced the blog with her presence from the beginning! Farley and I are trying for a 50 mile completion this season towards our decade team award in mid June, 3 weeks from now. God willing and the creeks don’t rise. I haven’t actually sent my entry in yet, since I’m doing a 20 mile conditioning ride tomorrow and sending in the entry prior to that would have been a siren call to the gremlins to disrupt what has been a remarkably quiet spring for pony mishaps. *crossing fingers*.
I am so very happy to hear (read) all of this! Very very exciting. Can’t wait to meet you little girl (virtually) in a few months. Maybe another ginger girl for the world? 😉
i think ginger is a distinct possibility!
OMG! I hadn’t even thought about THAT! muahahaha
Those are a lot of big changes and congratulations on them all!
So many exciting things! Congratulations Dr Mel
Congratulations on all the new ventures!!!!
Congratulations on everything! Nothing better than a blessed and busy life.
congrats on all the things! Really, some seriously cool life events for you, and hope to see you at Wild West!
That’s the plan!!!!! Conditioning ride went well today so we are on. She was a little footsore – didn’t wear boots and should have – but I think it will resolve quickly.
Oh wow, congratulations on everything! So many exciting changes!
Congrats on all of the above, DVM!
I love this post! especially now that I can see the photos 🙂 So much awesomeness and I’m just so glad we’re friends
Good and exciting things happening in your life- SO happy for you!
And YAY for the good solid ride – and run!!- this weekend! Sounds like you’re ready for most
anything. (Rising creeks highly unlikely, but we won’t say that out loud….)
So happy for you and Congrats on all fronts. I think things have turned in your favor!
Me too! About time in my opinion 🙂
Ahhh, details here at last. Congratulations, and I wish you every happiness!
But (having done a bit of research on this topic) I’m pretty sure you do not want a baby dragon. A girl child is slightly more work, I grant you. But dragons are… problematic.