How the crazy starts

Hands down buying this house and renovating it is the most time consuming thing I’ve EVER done. Horses, running, writing, blogging has completely gone by the wayside. Here’s a little piece. The best part of this project is that we have a hard deadline of getting Phase 1 done since our apartment lease ends near […] more

March Link Luv 2016

Dismal but not non-existent! Aarene writes about keeping her dragon occupied while on stall rest. Been there, done that my friend. It’s why Farley knows how to drive – why just walk when we could walk and learn something. I found myself nodding along with Irish Horse. YES leap day is special. Maybe I’m a nerd […] more

February 2016 IRL

Ponies Farley got a ride and a drive. A friend did me a favor and widened my cart shafts and it makes ALL the difference. Farley trots freely in the cart now and the Smuckers harness is a joy to work with. MerryLegs got regular maintenance done like hoof training but didn’t come out to […] more

Clicker training Part 1

I started clicker training to give ML a job while I was pregnant. I figured if either of my horses was going to have success doing clicker training it would be the people oriented one that was eager to please. The other reason ML was a good candidate is because she has a tendency to get […] more

AERC convention 2016 – Behavior

Oh boy the things I learned at this year’s convention! The most beautiful words in the English language is “4-wheel drive, go ahead” in the chain area of Donnor pass. Lanes are entirely imaginary during active snow storms. Nevada is definitely sparks joy. I’ve been paying attention more to what things spark joy. It started […] more

February is the longest month

As I long suspected, February IS the longest month of the year, Aarene said so. My train of motivation left the station at the beginning of the month and is currently whereabouts unknown. The horses are still in cryofreeze until Daylight savings (currently t = 25 days) but on day 6 of sitting inside watching […] more

American Canyon 25k Race Report

The truths of Saturday morning were as follows I most definitely had a cold. Unless it was progressively worse allergies. But probably not. So most definitely probably a cold. This race was a “C” race, meaning that I was treating it like a long run. Thus the cold wasn’t a deal breaker and I was […] more

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