Blog round up 3/20/12
March 20, 2012 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
A new author to check out! Yes, I know it’s dog related, but maybe it will give a budding horse author an idea for a novel? Maybe me????? Note to self….need to totally redo the premise of the novel I’m writing. (BTW – the novel is a serial novel online and the first chapter is already up….I’m not going to tell you where it is because so far it’s stupid, but it is live on line somewhere. Maybe sometime in the future when I decide it doesn’t totally suck I’ll share. That’s what happens when you know your readers are talented writers and authors and liberians, and sometimes all three…..
Hilarious and way too true.
I LOVE hearing about those “sweet” moments
Karen echoes some of my own observations about the differences in how different disciplines approach preventative care.
Some of the prettiest lead ropes I’ve ever seen!
OK OK OK – I know, yet another dog thing (I don’t do a post round up on Tess’s blog) – but I think it’s an interesting thought – and yes, there’s yet another iditarod reference…. And certainly from my experience doing foundation work for agility….no, Tess doesn’t do anything that she isn’t motivated to do…..although it’s up to me to make sure her lack of awareness of her future wellbeing means she doesn’t over do it.
Yet another dog post – but you don’t go to any other link I’ve put up today, READ THIS POST. This is JUST AS APPLICABLE TO US AS ENDURANCE RIDERS, as it is for agility people, or any other sport where we ask our animals to give themselves and even more for our desires.
And….let’s end with a bit of humor. In cartoon form.
And with that, my google reader is under 100 unread posts, so it’s time to pay attention in class. Approximately 1 hour until spring break (all 3 days of it…) starts!
Thanks for the mention, again! And Merri’s post was one of the funniest things I’ve ever read! Hysterical to think of rollkur and endurance in the same sentence. :0) LOVE IT!
See, in the past wonderful posts such as yours would generate a whole post on how I felt on the subject etc etc…..but now all you get is a lousy link on a page of other links…..See? All a matter of perspective. It is nice to know that people do see themselves on the links and realize that yes, other people ARE reading and DO like their posts!
Great, great great links. I love the dog-training link…very pertinent to my life right now (with dogs AND horses).