May ’16 Link Luv
May 5, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
When I read about this story, I didn’t consider it a “why you should wear a helmet” story. It did remind me why I learned to do emergency dismounts and occasionally practice them. It’s not always the better option, but it’s not always all about staying on the horse either- as a bonus it’s also probably why I’m pretty darn good at landing on my feet when Farley bucks my ass off.
*NER (*not endurance related). “Everything happens for a reason” is the most inane, responsibility-shirking, infuriating statements that gets uttered when things go bad (or crowed triumphantly about that past bad thing when something goes right). Here’s a good explanation why.
Interesting read on whether doing “something” really is better then doing “nothing” when it comes to sports. As an athlete or as a mentor or coach or trainer I have a really really REALLY hard doing nothing. Like, it’s basically impossible.
My most awesome photobomb ever. (scroll to bottom of post).
NER: These sentences really resonated for me:
- You have two commodities in this life: time and money. One of them you can make more of once it’s gone. Fiercely cherish the other.
- Social media has forced us to design and broadcast amazing lives that we no longer have time to actually live.
- The most difficult place to be at any given moment is here and now.
NER: Funder shared this article with me and just the tag line should be enough to give you pause at the truth of it: “A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”
Followers of the blog know that prepping for Tevis in 2013 led me to do all sorts of research into heat training, and even conduct an experiment of my own using Farley as a guinea pig, which cumulated into an article I wrote for the Ride and Tie Association. This article popped up on my feed yesterday and it echoes much of what I read and wrote 3 years ago. If there really is more focus on the subject, I wonder what the next new advancement will be?
- Mugwumps
- Laura Crum – Picking a fight
- List of saddle fitters that are with the Society of Master Saddle Fitters in the US
- Aarene’s 10 Essentials for endurance riders
- I really need to step up my Link Luv posts…this one is hilarious.
- I don’t know if I want to show dressage any more. by A Horse and A Half. I could have actually written this post. Did I write that post? I’m sure I wrote that post….except maybe I just read her post and gave a huge sigh of relief that I’m not the only one that feels this way.
- I never ever get tired of videos from the shetland grand national.
- I saved this link 1,787 days ago and the game is still active. AWESOME.
- Mmmmm…different kinds of investments eh? Horse, tack, trailer…those are all different right? Horse property, fencing, barns….I’m sure that’s exactly what they mean! That’s me, “investing” in my future $5k at a time. (not really. Just kidding. Kinda. Oh no honey, I don’t spend hardly anything on my horses that I barely ride, I promise!)
I have a long list of must do’s today so this has to be it for now. Hopefully the rest of the older links will make it onto next month’s list!

As a sad side note, my Grandma VV passed away suddenly and unexpectadly a couple of weeks ago. Seems like I’ve had more then my share of death in the last 2 years, but I’m trying to tell myself it’s because I have a life full of friends and family. Death is the price of that.

In preperation for her memorial I went through my photo albums and scanned some of my favorite pics of her. It’s amazing. In 30 years she hasn’t changed much!
Whoops. The mugwumps link didn’t come through. It’s a good one and so I’ll include on next months
Hi Mel, your blog is one of my faves so I hope you continue even if that means some change of direction. 🙂 Having said that, I haven’t written on mine for 6 months (not because I ran out of things to say… I miss it), so I get it either way 😉
“Everything happens for a reason”… I have so much I want to add about how I disagree with using this as a cop-out, but can’t get my thoughts together on it. Thanks for sharing, thought-provoking.
Hated that phrase and now it’s nice because I have specific thoughts as to why instead of a general hatred 🙂
Thank you for letting me know how much this blog means to you. It’s comments like that that encourage me to keep going as long as I enjoy it and screw it if it’s not ideal and perfect – you enjoyed reading it and I enjoy writing it. How much more complicated doesn’t have to be?