Link Luv Dec 2016
December 1, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
Rider Warehouse gift card giveaway!
Love Link Luv? Did you know I usually post links just like this on my facebook page daily?
One more article that talks about how important the BRAIN is in endurance sports. In horses AND in running. When your horse is running out of gas and yet you’re piling more and more miles on, ask yourself how much of the problem is physical and how much is mental. (Facebook repeat)
Aurora shared this on Facebook and I’m just going to use her words because they are so perfect: Not needing to push the buttons, pick the fights, or always be right. It applies so much to all my critter training from snarky Kenny to snorty Sheza to spazzy Jazzy. Sometimes you get stuck in the No, No, Wrong, constantly correcting, and it’s no fun for anyone involved! Embrace, open up, respect the partner, and find another way.
These tips about how to fit in the training as a busy person are very similar to what I used when I was in a similar position as the women highlighted – she’s in med school, I was a vet student in clinical year. They DON’T work as well with a toddler and a very different sort of life. Doesn’t mean the tricks and hacks aren’t out there for your (and mine) particular stage in life. Just means you have to find them. (Facebook repeat).
On the other hand, I think this article (by the same author) really nails it for where I am in life. I believe it applies to both running and endurance riding. Over the years my training philosophy has evolved to look very much like this article. The only thing that I would differ on is I do not believe that it is necessary to run or ride five or six days and achieve ultra or endurance level miles if you are a mid packer or finisher. (Facebook repeat)
No endurance content….but I’ve been obsessed with the “Pilgrim Pumpkin Pie” that’s shown in the video on this post. So obsessed I’ve actually been cooking squashes and pouring custard into them.
And while we are on that theme, I’m in search of the perfect savory sweet potato recipe. Stop putting marshmallows on perfectly good (and already sweet) potatoes! (Sorry – link not working. Wasn’t really a big deal anyways :))
We make stuff so complicated. It really is this simple to train for endurance and ultras. Nutrition, basic equipment, appropriate training. Everything else is just icing on the cake. When ever you get overwelmed, just ask yourself whether all those barriers you are throwing up and “have to have before I can…” are really necessary.
I’ve never had a problem just squatting and going if the need arises. Do I really need to read an article on how to make sure no one is offended? Because I’m not seeing men all that concerned about hanging it out there when needed. Just sayin’….
Here’s some links to the lottery (WS100) that I’m entered in Saturday.
- Break down of how many people are entered with how many tickets. Two people have qualified for Western States every year for seven years and still haven’t gotten in.
- Here is the place to be (online) on Saturday to see if my name gets draw…the chances aren’t good. I managed to qualify during a RECORD year – by almost a thousand people. Sigh.
- And for those of you that would prefer a funny video to lay it all out for you, here’s Mountain Outhouse doing a segment on the lottery. (I started it at the relevant point, but the previous 2 min of the video is pretty funny too. )
Here’s your tip of the day. When google imaging searching pictures of 100 mile buckles, you WILL see feet carnage for some reason.

I will still be highly content with my life if I NEVER have feet that look like this post 100. EGADS!!!!!!!
This is actually a pretty cool article on ultras from the Washington Post. I don’t worry about “the health differences between marathons and ultras”. If I was doing this for my health I would probably take up a different sport. My favorite was scrolling to the bottom and having the first “Ultra-fast fact” being that we get belt buckles as prizes.
Next time you decide to race on down the trail at the start line of your next endurance ride, (or run) REMEMBER THIS VIDEO.
I’m reading through this blog and have added it to my RSS feeder. Some good food for thought but I’m not in 100 percent agreement specifically on when you can/should move up race distances. Sorry, but I don’t need to be able to run a 5K at a certain steps per min before doing a half marathon at a certain steps per min before doing a marathon….before doing an ultra. I don’t know if it’s because I just want to complete and not compete, but I don’t think that distance works like that. It’s not step-wise. Still, I love reading new thoughts and it helps me evaluate my own opinions and revise where necessary.
I often wonder what focusing on the process means. This is a little blurb that I think describes it pretty well.
New York Times tackles eating and running. FWIW in my experience when you’re really training and running with a purpose, your body is going to want to eat. I’ve never had much luck and not eating when I felt hungry and prefer not to use up my will power in that direction. Running is not a weight-loss strategy because we are biologically adapted to make up for those calories. The types of food that you put in your mouth will determine how much of that food you will eat and that impacts your weight. Listen to your body and pay attention to fueling it instead of fooling it. (Facebook repeat)