March 2016 IRL
April 3, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
OMG folks, if I hadn’t committed to showing you the ins and outs of endurance training “in real life” I would NOT be writing this post. But. If I don’t, you might have this impression that everyone but you is perfect and get their runs and rides in and never get off track for an ENTIRE MONTH and thus if you do, you are obviously a complete failure and need to switch sports.
Yep yep yeeeeep…..Nothing like complete honesty here on the blog and the faith that when I look back in 6 months I can point to this time period and say “See, see, see!!!!!! You CAN still ride and run insanely long distances even I life kicks your ass and you get a wee distracted for a time.
1 lousy, measly run.
That was exactly 1 mile long.
OK. What happened, where did the wheels fall off?
The house closed March 1. We gave notice at our apartment for March 23. Despite working like crazy people (WHY is nothing easy on an older house remodel? NOTHING is easy. The interior latch sets aren’t a simple swap because the holes in the door are slightly too small, the three way switches are wired “creatively”, and EVERYTHING is just slightly “off” from what it’s suppose to be……) the house wasn’t going to be ready by the time we had to move in, we couldn’t get more then a day or 2 extension on the apartment because our unit had already rented and so things got EVEN CRAZIER.
Oh, and then I got sick AGAIN. And then during school of the horse soldier I got bucked off (more on that story later…) and sprained my ankle so bad it was none weight bearing that day.
During the craziness I tried to reassure myself that it was a concious decision to put aside running (and the ponies) for a limited period of time. Mostly it was. “A month is nothing”, I tried to reassure mysel.
And that’s mostly easy to believe until you try to go out for a run after that time off. My 1.8 mile run 2 days ago was MURDER.
May 2016 qualifying race for WS100? Not going to happen.
Fall 2016 100 mile race? Probably not going to happen.
Me, getting back out there and running? Most definitely going to happen. I’ll redefine my season goals from there.
We went to the School of the Horse Soldier. She bucked me off. She was a bitch for 2 days, I had some revelations about her (that I’ll share in a separate post) and then had a fabulous jumping clinic on her the third day of the event (First time jumping in FIVE YEARS).
Let’s give a half-ass WOOT for this category at least?
Ummm…..she was a cuddly pony and made me smile everytime I went out to the stable. Surely that counts?
PS – no link luv this month. Reference the craziness from above….
Ummm…I’ve gotten derailed/had the wheels come off so badly that I’ve basically taken the last year off running. So compared to that, a month is pretty good.
Just pretend you were pregnant
Join the club of “Somehow my plans didn’t work out”. Your humor is intoxicating!