Race report: “If you don’t like the weather, just wait”

I guess I could have called this “Little Loco Solo Relay 2021.” But that title is so boring. Unlike the weather on Saturday. First, a reminder of how we got here. To this very moment I don’t know why I started the race optimistic that it was going to go well. My longest recent long run […] more

The need to not be needed

It’s been eight years since I’ve ridden across the start line of a 100 mile endurance race. When Tevis 2013 ended at 85 miles, I never imagined it would be more than a year or two before I visited Fransico’s in the middle of the night again. I loved the trail, the sport, and had […] more

The Long Run

What is your long run? Not just a long-ish run, but a LONG run. For me that is five hours, or runs longer than 20 miles. It’s where the *magic happens. *Did you know there are whole sections of the population that get no enjoyment out of exercising??????? Like, even if they do it for […] more

ER What to Expect Part 3

When I first started these posts I thought it would be a quick, light-hearted look at behind the curtain of veterinary emergency medicine. Something I’m new at but quickly starting to recognize some patterns in. I’m realizing these posts aren’t going to be that simple. When I go to write about some of the items […] more

ER What to Expect Part 2

If you are just joining us, read the first part for explanations & disclaimers, important & not-so-important notes, and the philosophy of this post (because if you don’t, and you troll this post, don’t come whining to me when I don’t approve your comment.) Last time we covered exotics that are probably going to die, exotics […] more

What to expect when…you have to go to the vet ER

Growing up the thought of taking an animal to an ER was unfathomable. The first and only time I’ve had to take an animal to the ER was when I was an adult. Tess got attacked by another household dog as a puppy and her face and mouth was bleeding. She was screaming, I was […] more

Yep, the crazy is still in there

After almost a year of no significant running…I’m running again. I guess I should say something trite here about how “good it feels” but….let’s be real. Long miles after a year mostly spend biking, swimming, and most runs less than 60 min? “Good” is not how I felt after pushing myself through an 18.5 mile […] more

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