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2011 part 2!

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Make my life easy and read part 1 first.  That way I don’t have to recap why I’m breaking this post into 2 parts (or more).  (hint – it’s blogger’s fault).


A backpacking trip in January for my birthday

A breaking of the elbow.  (oh how fun) and the running of a 1/2 marathon I didn’t train for (even more fun).

(somehow missing these pics.  Bummer.  Use your imagination.  I was tired, wearing a race t-shirt, and had my arm in a sling)

Of course there is school.  The drama of applying, of the interview, and of actually being accepted.  And finally, giving up on the notion that anything interesting horse-related would ever happen to me again, and so I started writing vetmed related posts. 

There was hiking Pikes Peak and exploring Colorado

And getting my ears pierced for the first time

And getting a new puppy