September 2015 IRL – PREGNANCY edition part 2
September 30, 2015 | Posted by Melinda under Mel's Life, Pregnancy |
Instead of 20 weeks in this month’s IRL of pregnancy adventures, it’s a mere 10. Mostly because the post was getting grumpy at how many pictures were required for weeks 21-30. You can expect weeks 31-40 to be October IRL post…which will include a guaranteed baby picture since one way or another she’ll be OUT by the end of October.
Week 21

The last half marathon I did. It went extremely well and I got to run the same section that kicked my a$$ at the 50miler I DNF’ed last fall. And then found out that section is called the “meat grinder”. Ah. It really is that hard then…..Overall a harder half then the one I did a couple weeks previously so really proud of my effort!

While I was having my adventures, my husband was trying to pass his pilots exam. He passed everything except the flight portion due to poor visibility caused by CA wildfires – so the flight portion was deferred….and then deferred again and again and again. Every week he would sit down to do a flight plan for his cross country trip for the flight portion, wake up at 5am to drive to the airport….and have it be cancelled. All as the deadline approached for when the first part of his test would EXPIRE and he would have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. (update, on Sep 20th the visibility was good enough he finally got to fly and PASSED!!! Woot!!!)
Week 22

I finally decide to eat the adorable chocolate a friend sent me.

This marked the end of the 2 weeks I had to make up after graduation and with my diploma I was finally official and could apply for my state license!!!

My husband and I took an ill-fated trip to the Redwoods. It was awful through no fault of our own and this is the single picture we have. We aborted the trip after 1 night, which is a first for me. Didn’t tell anyone we were back and hid out in our house for a couple of days.
Week 23

I treated an itsy bitsy spot of ringworm on my arm with an OTC HUMAN medication and predictably got a reaction to the ointment. (which happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I HAVE TO USE A MEDICATED OINTMENT). People kept asking me i it was poison oak or a burn….the (now pissed off) ringworm can be seen as the pink circle about half way up my arm at about the level of my mouth.

After stopping the ointment for 48 hours it looked a lot better. (note to self, applying MORE ointment more frequently before figuring out it was a reaction instead of more ringworm was not the height of my intelligence).

To make up for a dismal vacation we did a quick one night one day trip down to the bay area and did stuff 🙂

I was still working and seeing weird cases. This cat had blue eyes the day before……

Sometimes when a friend sends you a picture and says “WHY?????” all you can do is stare and say “dunno…..”. Ah the life of a vet.
Week 24

Volunteered my time to teach some girls at a local horse camp about horse health care, conformation, and how to suture bananas. I’ll let you guess which was the biggest hit.

Wild west 50 mile endurance ride! Where I got pulled at the first vet check because Farley reaggrevated that stone bruise. sigh.
Week 25

Farley went up to mare camp to hang out in pasture with buddies for a couple of months. And build a BUTT.

FINALLY made it up to Western States 100 mile endurance run. And of course can’t wait to qualify and run it myself now.
Week 26

I found a crib on craigslist and Matt put it together. Which is a good thing because if it had been my responsibility it would still be in pieces on the floor.

Yep, still working. Seeing lots of routine cases….and some cases that are not so routine.
Week 27

I conquered training hill!

I was so impressed they put a bridge in at the black hole I had to post a second picture of this hike…
Week 28

I discovered I could jog in the pool and it REALLY closely mimicked running intervals on dry land (instead of stupid easy run/walk runs) and I was in heaven. At least until i cooled off into the low 90’s/80’s and I couldn’t convince myself to get into the water.

…and still working.
Week 29

Daily walks were still the standard and I even brought along a friend for Tess sometimes. At least until the encounter with coyotes. And now I’m too nervous to let me dogs of leash in this area again because I don’t want one of them to get snarfed 🙁

Still going on a long weekly hike/run!!!!!!!!! This was a rare day where running felt pretty damn good and I got in a good hot (105 degrees!!!!!!) hilly 6 mile run in.

I was very pleased that my favorite running shoes continued to fit (Phooey on Merrel for discontinuing this model BTW).
Week 30
What ended up being the story with the cat? And please tell me that pig is wearing pants and not missing skin…O.o
The cats blood work is totally normal and no liver disease , no signs of uveitis. Which are the only two things I could think of and what other vets came up with when I asked for ideas. Totally healthy and happy last time I checked.
Piglet was born to a local FFA group. Checked in about 48 hours post birth and it was nursing and doing fine (and don’t worry – not in pain that could be discerned dispite no skin). No idea since then…..I’ll text my friend and see what happened!!!!
(Don’t worry, I’m auditing the vet pictures I’m putting here really closely and leaving out any really horrible ones or ones I don’t have permission to share 🙂
got an update on the pig! Still alive and doing well. Friend is going to take a picture for me.
Yay, pig! That is bizarre but excellent. And yay, cat, too, for that matter! Your job is so cool and so weird and thus, so cool.
That last picture lol. You look very pleased with yourself and your temporary built-in drink holder!
This method of looking back on a pregnancy continues to be one of my favorites. Very very cool.
And that pig. Holy…