Training Logs
December 5, 2015 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
My beloved database software that I used to log my runs and horse stuff (among LOTS of other things) was abandoned by its manufacturer several years ago. It’s been a couple of years and with the software getting more unstable with each major operating system update, it was (past) time for me to move on.
I held on for as long as I could, hoping that something else suitable would come out electronically, but everything I’ve read from people that ought to know says that there isn’t anything comparable to what I was using now, or that’s due to come out.
For 2016 I’m returning to my tradition of physical log books!
The best log books for me are the planner calendars that show a month, followed by pages of weekly views. There’s lots of options and designs but I didn’t like the cost ($20-30? really? and I needed a minimum of 2 – one for me and one for the horses) and none of the ones I saw really “called” to me. I need a log book that is practically begging me to write in it and that I can’t wait to fill the pages with runs, rides, and other doings.
After some searching (and trying to come up with a self designed one that flopped miserably), I am pleased to introduce my 2016 training logs!

Running journal on the left, Riding adventures on the right.
Both were purchased off of Amazon. The running journal comes in several colors and I’m linking the red version here because it has the option to look inside the book at some of the different pages. The horse one is here.
I’ve had my eye on the running journal for a while. I can’t remember where I heard about it on the web – someone somewhere mentioned they were using it and loved it – and when I looked it up on Amazon I liked the design well enough to add it to my wish list. I like that it’s structured more for running and has specific places to record races, PR’s, mileage etc. However it’s not so over structured that there’s no room to put a couple of sentences down on each run beyond the numbers and stats. It’s the first time I’ve ever (in over a decade of keeping running logs) I’ve used something besides a generic notebook or calendar and it feels like a special treat.
The horse log caught my eye not only for the pretty and appropriate cover, but because of how the week view was set up. Most calendars with this view make Saturday and Sunday share a single box – which is inconvenient when that’s the days the most stuff happens that needs to be recorded!!!! In this book Saturday and Sunday are given the same importance as the other days of the week. There are blank pages to make notes (and a self constructed annual summary) and a pocket on the back cover. The log does not have month views, which I decided weren’t essential.
Anyone else have 2016 log books they want to show off?
I write software for a living, and I’ve often thought of writing a program to keep track of training and competing (along with writing software for my SigOther’s hobby, truck pulling). Something searchable so you could easily query “show me details of every time I rode The Old Dominion”. But when I’ve asked people how much they would pay for it, the usual price I get is $19.95. Not worthwhile… I still use a spreadsheet.
I was using Bento, and the company has since decided only to keep their pro version. The pro version is expensive and I probably pay for it except curiously it lacks a lot of the features of Bento like the ability to create forms. I did some research on what it would take for me to create my own app that would resemble the forms and database that I built in Bento, but decided it was too much work. Same with creating my own logbooks they were organized and detailed exactly how I wanted them. Maybe someday?
That $20 figure sounds about right just from what I’ve seen of prices of apps that so. It seems like people are very reluctant to pay over $20. Even though I would definitely pay more for software I like, I’m guilty of the same concept too, since I worked really hard to find these physical logbooks for under $20.
I’d started a log for the horses last year and kept up with it for several months. I began it with one goal: track Q’s status over several months. She had been more and more spooky on trails and less confident in her interactions with me (all of this was due to the stupid human) so I set out to track progress in both of us (writing down reactions to behaviors for both of us more than the exercises completed (also logged but not in as much detail)). With eventual success after success, I put the book aside. My 2016 goals would benefit greatly from starting the process up again and keeping track of our training. I need a new calendar though as the old one was just a journal and not a day planner. You’ve officially motivated me to get on it! LOVE the layout of both of these books. I think I’ll order the horse one today. =)
Liz- not as pretty but I just ordered this one as my professional development log –
I like it because it has the calendar on one side and a lined notebook page on the other. It’s what I wished I had gotten for my horses this year!
I was going to tell you about these diaries that I have used in the past, but they are a similar format to the link above anyway (though prettier). I’ve found the format really useful in the past. They always seem to sell out though, so a few years I was scrambling to find stock anywhere.
Link would help! 😛