“17 Damn Seconds” – River Run 5k
December 18, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Event Report, Ultra Running |
On Saturday I missed a 5k PR by 17 damn seconds. An eternity over 3.1 miles but so close.
Several important lessons were learned.
Like…..having one a few a couple of margaritas the night before does DOES NOT make up for the lack of speed training in the last year.
Or……..You can run 100 miles but if you don’t do any speed work for a year, 2-month post-partum Mel kicks the 5k ass of 100-miler-Mel.
And lastly…..LOOK AT THE DAMN notes you made LAST YEAR after running it. Preferable BEFORE running the race.
Last year:
- Shoes too thin for temperature and gravel.
This fact was UNDERLINED in my race review.
What did I do this year? Wear exactly the same shoes. *headdesk*.
Feet are so banged up I can barely walk today.
Last year:
- Better warm up needed.
This year….warm up? Who needs a warm up? Post race analysis yesterday – “Need better warm up”.
I added one more item this year to my “get your sh*t together, that was probably worth 17 seconds” list: Actually do speedwork.
The race wasn’t all bad.
I chicked a guy who did not want to be chicked.
I sorta cringe at the word “chicked”. It seems more derogatory towards the guy than complimentary to the girl. But it’s better than explaining that I “passed a guy at the 2 mile mark who really really really didn’t want to be passed by me”. But I got it done anyways :).
Then I ran the last mile all by myself. Realistically, this is probably where I lost the 17 seconds. I ran very close to even splits (13:30/13:33) and ran the majority of the race by myself. It’s hard to really push to the red line when it’s just you and the clock (and your poor battered bruised feet due to poor life choices). Even though I probably could have *been pushed* harder, I pushed *myself* pretty dang hard and went to the pain cave and stayed there, which I’m proud of.

To console myself I had a flight at a local brewery.
I don’t run a lot of 5k’s (this is only my second) but they are a nice change of pace (LOL….) from the 100 mile training and racing. I’d like to see myself train and do one between training cycles of ultras. I need to switch gears and train for a February 100k right now, but then I have some time before my next 100 miler (September) to maybe fit a couple of 5k’s in. They are like fast quick little potato chips of delicious running – all done in time for lunch.
Your 100k pacer was out in 36* this morning getting some training in. 😉
Btw have you actually looked at how far they allow pacers to run? I of course haven’t. Is it like 20 miles or so?
There are two points at which pacers can join their runner — Black Canyon City (37.5 miles) or Table Mesa (51 miles). Totally up to you as to when you would like me to begin pacing, I’m game for either option. I’ll FB you some more details on crew points as well.
Ugh. SO NEED TO FIX ARM SWING! No wonder I’m going no where fast. If any one has some good tips would love to hear them. I SWEAR when I’m actually running my arms are tracking properly but evidentially not…