Baby bins
May 24, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
It is very important to properly secure the baby at all times.
To assist you in securing YOUR baby I am making my patent-pending baby bin product available for a limited time.
Look how useful it is.
When leaving her alone for the wolves dogs to eat her.
When moving feed bins.

Just leave the shiny black spiders alone ok?
When feeding hay.

Hay. It does the digestive system good!
And especially when the responsible adult is doing the wasp killing dance in the trailer just out of sight.
Get your baby bin TODAY. Stash one everywhere in the barn, arena, feed shed and any where else YOU need to be without the baby effectively *amputating one of your arms.
But….sssshhhhhhh…don’t tell Daddy mkay?
PS Turns out securing the baby is optional when worming well behaved 4 year old mares, which is entirely possible to do one handed.
PSS Bins make great dog waterers and kiddie pools after baby exits the oh-so-nice “stays where I left them” stage.
Perfect! I would like one in orange, and with no baby installed. I will use it just to feed my large child with mane and tail. You can keep your adorable baby to yourself!
Fig swooooooon.
Pretty sure my kids won’t fit in there anymore 🙂 On the bright side, my kids are now big enough to haul that bin around for me when it’s all filled up with stuff for the pony!