How the crazy starts
March 12, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
Hands down buying this house and renovating it is the most time consuming thing I’ve EVER done. Horses, running, writing, blogging has completely gone by the wayside.
Here’s a little piece.

After. Well. Not really after After AFTER….more like middle of the bomb blast. The rest of the house looks similar….I mean worse.

As of 2 days ago.
The best part of this project is that we have a hard deadline of getting Phase 1 done since our apartment lease ends near the end of this month. Life will resume!
Constructing sentences and paragraphs are beyond my power right now so I prepared this little thing for you. Enjoy!

PS a pic of Fig since my ponies are currently seahorses.
So. Much. Adorbs.
(not just the baby picture)
I really don’t know if I should feel flattered or taken advantage of
Crazy adventures are ALWAYS more fun with company. Plus everyone knows you don’t do anything you don’t want to do anyways deep down inside. You are stubborn like that.
I’m just still in shock that you are using Venn diagrams to plan these things. When the Pareto Curves come out I am going to insist you get professional help.
I saw a thread called “Ride and Run” on the German endurance forum and clicked it. Someone corrected the person asking about it, “It’s called Ride & Tie and it doesn’t exist anymore in Germany.” Someone said, “You TIE your horse and LEAVE IT UNATTENDED and other horses RUN BY IT, that can’t be good.” The consensus was how much safer it would be to just stick together and trade off (what I did once in a little 10 miler but that’s really not the point!). Where I live, I’ve only encountered people who tell me they would never tie their horse up in the woods, not for a moment, not for any reason. I talked one lady into it with a very laid back QH/Haflinger because I’d packed a picnic, and she admitted she’d never tied a horse up on trail before. I am trying to figure out why trail riders don’t do this here (I know some do, I’ve seen it in magazines, but I’ve never met anyone who does).
If There are other Trailriders at the trailhead are usually give him a heads up when I’m doing, because it does seem so crazy people that you would leave your horse tied. People do seem to tie their horses on the trail area but it’s the whole running away from them …. There are surprisingly few accidents or horses that get away in the events. Most accidents are during the riding portion not the tying portion from what I’ve seen.
Hahaha! Oh, you are smooth, I love the strategy going on with your convincing!!!