For the love of the Horse or the Sport?

Let me tell you what it’s like to *play polo. *As someone that plays very badly but has been lent an excellent polo pony to play for the night. But it’s OK that I play like a rated minus 10 player, because I’ve been doing this for less than 4 weeks. How do I know it […] more

More thoughts about working through burnout

**Edit: I know this post is sorta similar to the last post I wrote. But, it comes at burnout from a slightly different angle and I think it’s important for me to write because: Most people I know deal with at least one episode of significant burnout in their lives. I’ll probably go through another […] more

The Quiet Joys

My favorite sweater and knowing can wear it all day. Starting a book and knowing it’s going to be six hours until I unbury my nose and it’s ok because it’s just me, a snuggly blanket, and zero other commitments for the day. Watching the rain run down the glass window with a cup of […] more

So what’s next? (and some thoughts about Burn-Out)

Here is my  biggest take away from Burning River, and it’s important. I’m really close to burn out in running for the 3rd or 4th time in my life. The night I DNF’ed Burning River a good friend and fellow ultra-runner asked me “when you are you signing up for Rio?” “I’m not.” was my […] more

Burning River nailed it, failed it (2021)

I always feel like I’ll remember more than I do…these are my favorite posts to go back and read when I’m prepping for a big race. The brain is a wonderfully elastic organ that has great capacity for change and flexibility….but if you want to avoid making the same mistakes over and over than you […] more

Burning River 100m 2021

A reminder: You have been warned. (also be warned that this post is probably more full of typos and transposition errors than normal. I have ZERO time right now to write and edit anything and it’s a small miracle this is getting written in the first place because of my current schedule. If I have […] more

Off we go to Burning River

I have never felt so unready for a 100 mile race in my life. When I got to 45.5 miles on my pacing chart I realized I couldn’t fathom going further than that. The rest of the pace chart was truly an exercise in abstract thinking. I’ve never done a 100 miler so flat, so […] more

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