Apparently I adult by buying linens

If this was any year but this year, there’s a good chance I would be out running in the darkness right now. Rio Del Lago 2020 would have been today. I didn’t finish my 100 mile race in February, so likely I would need a qualifier with time running out. LIKE EVERY YEAR. With a […] more

Oh yeah, that’s broke

This is what your toe looks like when you slam the edge of a wooden table on your toes when standing on concrete. There was a lot of cussing. And yelling. No crying because it hurt too damn much. You know what I mean? I knew I had broken some toes, I just didn’t know […] more

If you can’t have goals, pick a project

It’s been a dismal year for most things related to my hobbies (except if you count cooking. Any year I figure out what dosas are and how to make them at home can hardly be categorized as fully a failure!), but my writing and time spent with the horses took the worst hit by far. Last month […] more

Goals? What Goals?

“My goal is to survive long enough to want to set goals again. That’s the goal.” A friend who has a habit of saying wise things said this recently and it’s been crashing around in my head all day. This is me right now. This has been me for far longer than 2020, before covid, […] more

Fall River Century

I recently did the Fall River Century. When I started this post it was “yesterday I…”. Then “last weekend I…” At this point we will settle on “recently” as I have been drowning in work shifts and thwarted by stupid word press problems and just now getting this published. So anyways. In the not so […] more

Mel tries a new thing

On Saturday I sorta kinda did my first triathlon. Except it was virtual. And with the shut-downs a swim wasn’t an option so it was a run-bike-run event. It also is nowhere near official even for a virtual race because there’s no GPS tracks because my GPS was taking forever to get a fix outside […] more

The Next Right Thing

Life likes to give me sabbaticals. Not the highly anticipated (and planned) I’m-getting-this-puppy-from-a-breeder-and-been-on-the-list-for-a-year type of sabbatical. Nope, they’re never of my choosing – an injury that sidelines me, or a medical diagnosis requiring treatment out-of-town. My sabbaticals are the skunk-sprayed, furry stray dog version that initially have you holding your nose and backing away…but, I’m […] more

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