Surgery Stuff
October 6, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Vet & Sports Medicine |
Are you curious what difference age makes when spaying a dog? Warning, *graphic surgery images below. *By graphic I mean that yes there is blood. And surgery instruments. And a piece of tissue (a uterus) that used to be inside the dog that is no longer inside the dog. There is NOT gaping wounds, anything […] more
Seasons and Off-Seasons
September 15, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
I live in California. I’ve come to equate this with: I can do whatever I want year-round because I’ve been told California doesn’t really have seasons. Unfortunately this isn’t true. The ostrich strategy of putting my head down, ignoring mother nature, and powering through the winter has not worked a single year. It works for […] more
6 questions to ask before buying tack
September 7, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Gear |
It’s a well-known fact that the sport of endurance is an exercise in buying tack, figuring out why you hate it, and buying more tack. It’s complicated to find the perfect gear at the point where two biological organisms merge so is it any wonder we have the “great saddle” hunt, a boxful of bits, […] more
IRL August 2017
September 3, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Training journal |
In this “In Real Life Post” Introducing Sunny Dee Updated picture of Farley’s hoof Why I didn’t run in Yellowstone Tess’s toe update Summer is ending but *this* year I have the best plan yet for not getting all mopey. There sure isn’t a lot of miles on the trails for August to explain how […] more
The Three-Toed Tess
August 24, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Vet & Sports Medicine |
….or “In which another one of Mel’s animals has half its foot chopped off”. I came home from my nine day vacation in Yellowstone to find this: Did some poking and prodding and determined it was not a foxtail, not painful, not an abscess and promptly ignored it for a week hoping it would go […] more
Vet Tales – Lies we tell and hear
August 22, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Vet & Sports Medicine |
Lies we tell and are told and other outrageous tails tales from the vetmed trenches. I’m probably not in an exam room… …when you call. LIES! But I need time to get your chart, remember who you are, remember who the patient is, and briefly review the history so I can actually answer your questions and provide better […] more
What is between you and the horse….
August 16, 2017 | Posted by Melinda under Equine Endurance |
….actually matters. Yes yes yes, I learned the lesson that a saddle that fits the horse still doesn’t fit if it’s dismal for the rider in Tevis 2013 when I DNF’ed due to rubbing a hole the size of my palm in my horses back… …because I had to hold myself up in the saddle […] more