This is Endurance Riding

If you’ve been here a while you know that along with being depicted as a magical rainbow farting unicorn, Farley can also be an absolute nag. On good conditioning rides I still have to bite my teeth and exercise a bit of patience as we work out ONCE AGAIN that yes, conditioning IS necessary and while I […] more

Orange Mud Hydration Vest

On my last longer training run I did some of the Pioneer Express Trail that will be on the Pioneer course out of Auburn towards Folsom (Rattlesnake Bar area for you locals). Notable achievements besides deciding to climb UP Cardiac hill in 104 degree afternoon temperatures, was taking some pictures of the beautiful scenery. Since by […] more


I absolutely love my Spandits shorts and the company selected my photo for their “weekly spotlight athlete”. Better view of the print: The shorts pictured are the longer “boardie” length shorts that I asked for a *side pocket on. They are comfortable, stay in place, and make me feel athletic and strong. I haven’t tried riding […] more

What I learned about Tapering this week

I am a notoriously bad taper-er. For those of you that need help visualizing what a taper feels like, it’s a lot like being *pregnant. Enough that I took a preg test (it was negative. Thank God. ). You have yet to truly live a taper here on the blog because the last time I actually trained and tapered […] more

The Two Horse Balancing Act

I rarely have more time to work more than one horse in a day and so when it’s time to pull out a pony I’m faced with a choice. Farley or MerryLegs? I’ve finally let go of this notion of which horse should be worked, or needs the work. Instead I take out whichever pony I want […] more

August ’16 Link Luv

I have no wish to run this race ever, but I might want to crew it so I nominate one of my lucky readers to go and qualify and train and get into Badwater. Deal? Pretty sure given enough time we could come up with a similar and hilarious list of bizarre ways we have […] more

IRL July 2016 – HELLZ YEAH!

So Mel, how did July 2016 go? HELLZ YEAH!!!!!!!! Let’s start with Rider Fit.  I could tell you that I did 111 miles this month. And managed a 45 mile week. But those are just numbers to you, My Dear Reader. So let’s put this into context another way.   June 2016 blew me away in […] more

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