Oh yes I did!

Never let a marginally bad idea go to waste. Attention college students.  This… works way better then this. Just sayin’ What do you think, is this a 7 or 8% drop that I’ve achieved? The set up works fairy well. I’m not sure I would do this on a treadmill that wasn’t very sturdy (this […] more

May ’16 Link Luv

When I read about this story, I didn’t consider it a “why you should wear a helmet” story. It did remind me why I learned to do emergency dismounts and occasionally practice them. It’s not always the better option, but it’s not always all about staying on the horse either- as a bonus it’s also […] more

April 2016 IRL

Although things are nowhere near where I would like them in terms of miles, number of rides or runs….it’s improving.  Steps forward, no matter how little are still….steps forward. Farley Got ridden at least twice in the arena, and once on the trail (~3ish miles) by me.  She was ridden another 2x a week by […] more

Horse Books

Like most of you here, I read a LOT of books growing up. One of my clearest early memories (besides making my mother shoo the cat off the porch so I could safely go outside without the threat of Mr. Kitty being ANYWHERE in the same vicinity) is me sitting on the lawn in Davis […] more

A New Project

I’m good at standing. My desk in my office is standing height and there’s always the treadmill if I want to be more active  But sometimes I sit down. Obviously just sitting is too boring. There’s an obvious solution. I need to mount a saddle to a stool. My long-suffering husband will probably be as […] more

Reader Question

Hey Melinda–sending this article because it sparked my curiosity. The article states the people who run longer distances increase their aerobic capacity which in turn raises endurance. I’m curious whether you think that a horse can increase their pace for endurance, or if they are just built to stay at a pace their body let’s them […] more

What I learned this week

You do not, absolutely do NOT, blow your nose off the side of the treadmill in trail runner fashion. I consider this the number one disadvantage of the dreadmill. Because really? I’m going to do what, grab a tissue when I’m banging out (edited pace out due to embarrassing slowness) miles on a 5 to […] more

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