Of RnT’s and Wedding post passwords
July 9, 2014 | Posted by Melinda under Ride and Tie |
I will explain how to get the password to the just posted Wedding details post…but first you have to suffer through my impending ride and tie championship ramblings.
I fully expect gremlins to mount an attack tomorrow afternoon. Why? Because money has been spent and tomorrow morning effort will be expended.
Gremlins are like those childrens coin rides at the mall – money has to be dispensed to wake them up.
Tomorrow morning I will embark on my annual “glue on boots” events – otherwise known as “nope, this year Mel doesn’t have patience *either*.
Historically I run out of patience in the middle of boot 3…so hoping that gluing on a mere 2 boots (hinds) will allow both me and Farley to maintain some level of sanity.
Because we both need a little sanity to prepare for what comes next…..
CURLING ribbon!!!!!!
And sparkly puff balls!!!!!!!
All in blue of course.
The official “Team Hot Mess” color is blue.
Mostly because Funder and I realized we both had blue shirts. And I had blue compression socks. SCORE.
Unfortunately this little number is not in my closet (wouldn’t that be awesome)
Farley says: Not awesome. Horrifying.
So now, it’s a gallant effort to decorate the Team Hot Mess equine member of the team in a way that the humans do not run past the (sorry Farley) nondescript brown horse standing in the trees.
Farley: Whhaaatt??? You mean some of that stuff is for me?????!!!!!!
Yes, starting with shaving letter’s into certain brown hindquarters and filling them with glitter!!!!!!!!!
And then taking afore mentioned ribbon and puff balls and doing something “suitable” to your mane and tail.
Miraculously that turns this…..
Into this!
Moving onto wedding stuff?

Now we are getting somewhere!!!!!!…..but this still isn’t me, isn’t the dress I’ll be wearing, and no, Farley has nothing to do with the ceremony
Did you really think I’d give up my secrets so easily?
Now, if you *do* want some *real* pictures of some of the details, you can ask for the password to whatever “wedding related” posts come up.
There are some caveats – if you are a close member of the family, or heck related to me in anyway, you can’t have the password.
If you look like you have a fake email address because you are actually a family member trying to get the password, you can’t have the password either.
And if you want to wait and be surprised with everyone else involved on the actual day on which dress I decided to wear, and any of the other details I decide to share here, then don’t request the password.
However, if you want to be an honorary member of my bridal party (which IRL I don’t have) and want to take a sneak peek, and hold my hand through this, please leave your email in the comments – or email me ([email protected]) – and I will send you the password!
The choice is yours and I’m excited to have a way to share this with you guys – whether you decide to wait until the end and see the final product, or follow along as we go.
A couple housekeeping notes
– The comments are protected on the password posts, so you don’t have to worry that anything you comment on will give something away.
– If you want to know the content of the post (what secret I’m revealing etc) before accessing it, let me know.
– Even if you don’t normally comment and you are a lurker, you can still request the password. It’s not weird, you aren’t a random stranger – you are a person who reads my blog and has come along on the journey with me. And I respect that I am happy you are here!
– Please do NOT share any content, especially images, on the password protected posts. It wouldn’t ruin my event if something got out (I’d be silly to post something even protected if it did) but it would be dissapointing.
– The protected post that is up right now has to do with my dress. It is not a picture of *me* in the dress, but it is a picture of the *dress*.
OMG I love the poufie! $10 says I *almost* run past Farley at least once no matter what we do 😉
It’s a bet.
Sign me up for all wedding-related details, info, and unofficial hand-holding. 🙂
I think Farley will look fantastic with her curling ribbon and glitter and I wanna see wedding updates!
Tina/Laurie – I’m facebook pm’ing you guys
I would love to be in on this. Thanks for the offer.
Please send me the password. Thank you 🙂
Farley will look awesome. And probably be totally mortified by her embarrassing teammates. Even better.
I’d love to read about your wedding stuff, one of those things I love for other people…
Here’s something cool I just learned:
Like, totally works on hair, even dark hair, even short hair. And it washes out pretty fast.
You could, for example, color Farley’s mane blue, and draw stripes and stars and swirls all over her with a different shade of blue, all of which would cost a few bucks and be really easy.
I am totally going to do this to the Dragon at Hallowe’en. At least Team Hot Mess won’t have to worry about rain!
I’m passing this little gem on to some other teams!!!!! Sidewalk chalk is so cheap (how did you put it? SOOOOOOO CHEAP) so I figure I can bring a whole package and let other teams have fun too. After removing the blue chalk of course. Wouldn’t do to have too many blue themed horses!
Dear future Daughter in Law. I am getting older by the day. I do believe you should clue me in……
I want to be in on the wedding stuff too! 😀
Would really enjoy the password for all wedding related updates since I am not technically related to you (this must be true since I did not receive a “we’re engaged” text).
MATT notified MATT’s family so I am henceforce absolved of all text-notifying related issues. Further more, since I told Matt (with a tear in my eye) after after dinner at Linda’s house that first time how wonderful it felt to look around at the table of women and realize that even though none of us were related by blood, we were all sisters and aunts and daughters and nieces all the same forever…I find that your argument of not being related to me is false :).
I would like wedding details. I am not related to you. Thank you
Dear Future Mother-in-law. You don’t want to ruin a perfectly good surprise do you? I mean, isn’t is fun to imagine the possible combinations I could flounce down the aisle in? Especially because Matt is also being kept in the dark?
Sign me up for the wedding stuff! 🙂
Also.. hm.. Aarene, that sounds awesome.
I love the decorations for Farley! And please send me the password for your wedding stuff:)
I’d love to see your wedding posts!! [email protected]
I would love to see your dress. And good luck and to you, Funder and Farley–wishing you much fun and a happy, successful event.
Everyone up until this point has had the password emailed or facebooked to them, including anyone who didn’t comment here but emailed me directly.
Sign me up for wedding password please
Hope everything goes well for the team. I’d like to spectate at your wedding.
Good luck on championships! Have fun! I would LOVE the secret password for wedding posts – yay! And hahaha/good for you for not giving it to family. ;]
I’m back on line and in search of a password…
Ok Folks. Again mass emailing of passwords and occured and everyone up to this point should have gotten a password if they requested it.