Camp Far West Q&A: Bento box
September 13, 2016 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
My bento box has evolved in contents since I first put it together a couple of years ago. Now 2+ years into using it, I feel like it’s really dialed in to what I routinely need when I hit the trails, and what stuff I need to keep close at hand, “just in case”.
- Sawyer brand in line water filter with a straw. The cleaning syringe used to flush it is underneath it, that way when I get back to the car and if I’ve used it, I can immediately clean it. After some feedback from the employees at REI, the Sawyer filter is what I chose out of 2-3 options that were all priced similarly. It has worked flawlessly.
- Spare headlamp, with an extra set of batteries.
- Spare set of headphones
- $20 cash
- Contacts case.
- Hammer Fizz electrolytes
- Baggies of Vitalyte powdered elyte mix.
- Tic tac container filled with Hammer elyte capsules (not pictured because it’s in my pack at the time of the picture).
- Inhaler
- Pair of very sharp small sewing sissors.
- Mentos gum container that has a small vial of super glue and safety pins
- Mentos gum container with benedryl pills
- Ondansetron tablets
- Loperamide tablets
- Caffiene tablets
- Container of advil
- Container of tynenol (left over from when I was pregnant and couldn’t take ibrophen)
- Small bottle of spare sunscreen
- Sunscreen stick
- Packet of antichafe lube
- Technu Extreme packets
- bandaids
- Chap stick (with SPF rating)
- Leukotape
- Benzoin tincture (as an adhesive promotor)
- New Skin liquid bandage
- Stretchy vet wrap type bandage roll (I used to have an ace bandage, but it got used and I bought this. Would prefer to have an ace bandage or Elasticon in place of this)
- White tap
- “First Aid Tape” that is thicker and has a “foam” texture to it.
I used to have an ice pack in this, but didn’t replace since I used the last one.
Any questions about the stuff in the bento box?
This was only question I got after Camp Far West so we will be moving on!