Earl Grey’s new trick
December 7, 2014 | Posted by Melinda under Uncategorized |
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Earl Grey learned a new trick.
I am not amused.
My husband is not amused.
If Farley cared one itty bitty iota about my sanity, she would be un-amused.
(I can’t imagine ML being un-amused about anything so she doesn’t get to join this party).
Apparently, not content with making me be in both possession of the key AND the magic alarm-disarming fob to start the car (which is so critical to the get-the-car-started process that I’ve put and extra battery for the fob in my glove compartment), Earl Grey has decided that he shall enforce the rule that TWO keys must be carried at all time.
One for locking the car.
One for leaving in the ignition. Which is a perfectly safe thing to do, since if I take the magic key fob with me the key doesn’t actually start the car.
About 50% of the time, the key refuses to go all the way to the left, into a position where the ignition releases the key. Instead, it stays in the “accessories” position, slowly draining my battery, pretending my car is not in park.
The car IS in park. The key SHOULD come out of the ignition.
Just like the key SHOULD disarm the alarm all by itself.
I am losing patience with Mr. Grey.
What’s next? The drive belt going out.
Ooops, that’s already happening. And in a seriously vindictive move, Earl Grey decided that yesterday was the day that not only does the belt squeal, it no longer stops squealing even when the car is warmed up and I’m driving around town.
Which it would be fine. (all those people are staring at me because they are impressed how many bags of Elk Grove Milling Stable mix bags I got in to the back seat right? )
Except now it’s loud enough *I* can hear it even on the freeway going 80 65 mph.
In better news the other grey thing in my life (note to self, no more grey things), the mac book pro, decided to sorta come back to life.
If by “sorta” you count starting up when a spare harddrive is swapped in…. but the keyboard no longer works.
Thank you very much computer. In that cold calculating move, you might have just showed enough personality to earn a name. You shall be the Psitti. Because you remind me of a parrot, which are creatures actually controlled by little evil dinosaurs in disguise, Darlek style.
Farley: I have a name, does that mean I have personality? Does rolling in greyish mud count?
Mel: go away
ML (who’s doing her best to turn grey: Isn’t it fun how I completely freak you out by laying down to sleep every night and refusing to get up unless you scream at me?
Mel: Yes, you both have personality. Lots of personality. Fine personalities. Which is much better than my car or computer having a personality. BTW, all four of you are worth about the same about of $$. Just keep that in mind as you exercise your “personalities”. Now please, excuse me while I dig up Earl Grey’s spare key.
In the best news, my back up was more complete than I thought and I found those pictures I wanted for the IRL Nov post.
What I posted…
Two years ago: In which I may have had too much caffeine
Three years ago: Mel’s guide to studying
Four years ago: You are my sunshine…
a multiple choice kind of comment-
My memory may be/definitely is spotty at best, but i thought i remembered you promising/threatening
Earl with replacement/retirement once school is over. Perhaps he got confused and thought you were
done once you took your boards…..
The “siren song” – multiple meanings- couldn’t be a belt that simply needs tightening, could it?? Hoping,
but figure you’ve gotten advice from someone far more knowledgeable. At least you won’t need deer
whistles if you go to the mountains….
Matt’s going to try tightening it first
There must be a reason you torture yourself with that car, but I can’t remember it? Why are you not driving a nice, sensible compact “city” truck? (more room for stable mix…)
Lol. because originally I had to hold onto my truck for the trailer but couldn’t afford to commute in it. Now that I’m married I have access to Matt’s truck. No need for two three quarter ton trucks. All three vehicles are paid off so the plan is to sell my truck and car and buy a newer small vehicle with “space” and keep his truck. Looking at suburus right now. But hoping not to have to buy anything until next summer. So much stuff to take care of :(. Truth is, I can live without the car for the next couple months but not without a computer so have to see how that pans out.
Okay, that sorta makes sense. Our farm currently has a Farm Truck (3/4 ton Dodge), City Truck (shiny red Ford Ranger stepside), Work Wagon (Jim’s nondescript Ford Explorer), and Stealth Van (Monica’s nearly invisible Chevy van). We would love to have fewer vehicles, but everything is so…necessary! Sigh.
And please don’t make me count computers and tablets. Between the three of us, I fear the census might top a dozen….
That is all sorts of crazy. Poor Earl Gray knows he is soon for the junk yard, he’s trying to keep your attention for just a bit more… but I will say I have an old gray Subaru, it’s a great car, though I never named him.
My very reliable truck doesn’t have a name. My computer, before it got all vindictive and cruel, didn’t have a name. I’m not sure that having a name is a good thing! There are some things in this world that shouldn’t have names!